Ten Words of Wisdom

I’ve been very fortunate in life to meet many people that have made a great impact on me and have been of inspiration for being a better person.  One of them is my friend “Zorro” -this is the nickname that I use to call him.

One of the things that I have admired on him is his dedication to his family; particularly, the relationship with his daughter. The day that his daughter turned 25 years old, he sent an e-mail reminding her of ten words of wisdom that he has given her when she was still living at home. He shared those thoughts with me and now I’m sharing with you.

  1. If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it.
  2. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.
  3. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.
  4. Avoid negative sources, people, places, and habits.
  5. Believe in yourself.
  6. Don’t procrastinate.
  7. Remember the golden rule: treat others as you wish to be treated.
  8. Be a giver.
  9. Remember to say “please” and thank you”
  10. Give a complement a day.

Thanks my friend Zorro!

I believe that anybody has the capacity to inspire others. It may not be your purpose to do so but your words and acts always impact others up to some degree. Hope these words of wisdom can also be inspirational for you as they are for me.

I’d love to hear your words of wisdom.

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